The company’s core values are that life, health, physical well-being and safeguarding of the environment are not negotiable and are the highest priority.
ITW operates in a manner that protects the safety of its employees, third parties involved in its operations and its customers.
ITW will continue to make every effort to prevent all incidents, accidents, occupational diseases, pollution and damage to the environment through management commitment and active participation of every employee.
Company management is committed to identify, eliminate or, if this is not possible, minimize risk of situations in the working environment related to company’s activities.
Therefore, ITW is committed to:
- Design, implement and disseminate operational procedures, provide training for employees, so that operations are conducted in a manner that safeguards workers, the environment, customer property and the community in which it operates.
- Comply with all laws and regulations, technical rules, and where laws and regulations did not exist, follow its own standards, identified with a sense of responsibility.
- Promote and support research to deepen understanding of the effects of its operations to improve environmental protection techniques of the same and to further increase its capacity to make its operations and products compatible with the environment.
- Perform appropriate reviews and assessments of its operations to quantify past experience and to ensure compliance with this policy.
- Train employees sufficiently for their role and their responsibility in the field of occupational safety, industrial hygiene and environmental protection.
- Establish a relationship of open collaboration with the local authorities and government agencies to facilitate the timely development of effective environmental laws and regulations based on sound scientific principles and risk assessment, analysis of costs and benefits, including the effects on energy supplies and products.
- Train the staff for achieving the highest levels of professionalism and quality in the of field Safety Health and Environment performance.
- Provide employees with appropriate personal protective equipment and systematically verify their correct usage.
- Responding quickly, effectively and diligently to emergencies or accidents that could occur during operations.
- Promote, among its suppliers, those that are the most environmentally sound.
- Manage its activities with the aim of preventing accidents and monitor emissions and waste to ensure they are below the levels of harm, by directing to this end the design, operations and maintenance.
- Perform appropriate reviews and assessments of its operations to quantify, document progress and ensure compliance with this policy.
The company’s core values are that life, health, physical well-being and safeguarding of the environment are not negotiable and are the highest priority. ITW carries out its activities in a manner that protects the safety of its employees, third parties involved in its operations and its customer.
The Company will continue to make every effort to prevent all accidents, injuries and diseases through the efforts of management and the active participation of every employee.
Company management is committed to identify, eliminate or, if this is not possible, minimize risk of situations in the working environment related to company’s activities.
Therefore, ITW is committed to:
- Design, implement and disseminate operational procedures, provide training for employees, so that operations are conducted in a manner that safeguards workers, the environment, customer property and the community in which it operate;
- Comply with all laws and regulations, technical rules, and where laws and regulations did not exist, follow its own standards, identified with a sense of responsibility;
- Collaborate with government and other institutions to responsibly develop laws, regulations and standards based on sound scientific principles and risk assessment;
- Train employees sufficiently for their role and their responsibility in the field of safety;
- Train the staff for achieving the highest levels of professionalism and quality of performance in the field of safety;
- Provide employees with appropriate personal protective equipment and systematically verify their correct use;
- Responding quickly, effectively and diligently to emergencies or accidents that could occur during operations;
- Promote and support research to expand knowledge of the effects, in terms of safety, of its operations by applying the significant results and making them readily available, as appropriate, to employees, government agencies, contractors and anyone else who might be involved;
- Perform appropriate reviews and assessments of its operations to measure and document progress and ensure compliance with this policy.
Alcohol and drugs
The company’s core values are that life, health, physical well-being and safeguarding of the environment are not negotiable and are the highest priority. ITW carries out its activities in a manner that protects the safety of its employees, third parties involved in its operations and its customers.
The Company is aware that the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs by its employees in the workplace can greatly influence their professional performance and can lead to serious consequences in terms of efficiency and safety of themselves, their colleagues and third parties.
Employees that may be dependent on the substances mentioned above are advised to seek medical advice and follow a preventative treatment to avoid the negative influence on their ability to work and to be of danger to the safety of their colleagues or others.
In the event that the addiction to alcohol and drugs might, although not involving an inability to work, constitute in any case a danger in performing a particular task for which the due performance, the safety of his own, that of colleagues or others or the safety of installations, the Company, according to the legal obligation to provide safety in the workplace, reserves the right to change these tasks in accordance with the law.
ITW operates in a manner that protects the safety of its employees, third parties involved in its operations and its customers.
We continue to make every effort to prevent the intake of alcohol and drugs by its employees through management commitment and active participation of every employee, as the company believes that addiction to alcohol and drugs is treatable.
Therefore, the management of ITW is committed to:
- Strictly enforce the regulations, the provisions of employment contracts and regulations.
- Prohibit workplace use, possession, distribution and sale of alcohol and illegal drugs, subjected to control and not prescribed by a physician. ITW recommends its employees to avoid getting alcohol and illegal drugs outside of the working hours when the effects resulting from that can persist during the subsequent performed work;
- Sensitize employees to the maximum of the risks for themselves and for others related to the use of alcohol and drugs.
- Take immediate disciplinary action against the employees who are caught in the blatant drunkenness or under the influence of drugs.
- Proceed to the termination of their employment for good reason if the employee proves unsuitable for the Work carried out in practice, established in accordance with the law and descending on the state of dependence on alcohol or drugs even if subsequent medical treatment.
- Establish a relationship of open collaboration with regulatory bodies and with their customers.
- Perform appropriate reviews and assessments of its operations to quantify, document progress and ensure compliance with this policy.
Safety of products
ITW is committed to the following policy:
- identify and manage risks associated with its products and do not produce or sell products in cases where it is not possible, by design, procedures and tailor made working practices, ensuring an adequate level of safety for people and the environment;
- specifically indicate the precautions to be taken in handling, transport, use and disposal of its products and to sufficiently communicate the same to customers and others who may be exposed;
- enforce laws and regulations and, where laws and regulations do not exist, follow standards identified with a sense of responsibility;
- cooperate, as appropriate, with government and other institutions, to develop responsible laws, regulations and standards based on sound science and risk assessment;
- include the identification and control of potentially adverse effects on health, safety and the environment, such as priority considerations in planning and product development;
- promote and support research to expand knowledge of the effects, in terms of safety, of their operations by applying the significant results and making it readily available, as appropriate, to employees, government agencies, contractors and anyone else who might be involved.
- carry out the appropriate reviews and assessments of its operations to measure progress and ensure compliance with this policy.
Drug-free workplace
ITW Technologies (Company) intends to help provide a safe and drug-free work environment for our clients and our employees. With this goal in mind and because of the serious drug abuse problem in today's workplace, we are establishing the following policy for existing and future employees of ITW Technologies.
The Company explicitly prohibits:
- The use, possession, solicitation for, or sale of narcotics or other illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription medication without a prescription on Company or customer premises or while performing an assignment.
- Being impaired or under the influence of legal or illegal drugs or alcohol away from the Company or customer premises, if such impairment or influence adversely affects the employee's work performance, the safety of the employee or of others, or puts at risk the Company's reputation.
- Possession, use, solicitation for, or sale of legal or illegal drugs or alcohol away from the Company or customer premises, if such activity or involvement adversely affects the employee's work performance, the safety of the employee or of others, or puts at risk the Company's reputation.
- The presence of any detectable amount of prohibited substances in the employee's system while at work, while on the premises of the company or its customers, or while on company business. "Prohibited substances" include illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription drugs not taken in accordance with a prescription given to the employee.
The Company will conduct drug and/or alcohol testing under any of the following circumstances:
- RANDOM TESTING: Employees may be selected at random for drug and/or alcohol testing at any interval determined by the Company.
- FOR-CAUSE TESTING: The Company may ask an employee to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test at any time it feels that the employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, including, but not limited to, the following circumstances: evidence of drugs or alcohol on or about the employee's person or in the employee's vicinity, unusual conduct on the employee's part that suggests impairment or influence of drugs or alcohol, negative performance patterns, or excessive and unexplained absenteeism or tardiness.
- POST-ACCIDENT TESTING: Any employee involved in an on-the-job accident or injury under circumstances that suggest possible use or influence of drugs or alcohol in the accident or injury event may be asked to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test. "Involved in an on-the-job accident or injury" means not only the one who was or could have been injured, but also any employee who potentially contributed to the accident or injury event in any way.
If an employee is tested for drugs or alcohol outside of the employment context and the results indicate a violation of this policy, or if an employee refuses a request to submit to testing under this policy, the employee may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and possibly including discharge from employment. In such a case, the employee will be given an opportunity to explain the circumstances prior to any final employment action becoming effective.